Thank you for using Digging for Words in your classroom! Here are some resources for teachers, librarians, and caregivers. If you are interested in an author visit, you can find out more here.
Video Links
Want to listen to the book in Spanish? Here's Rescatando Palabras as read by José Pimienta.
And here is a webcast of "A Celebration of Children's and YA Latin American and Latinx Literature" with fellow authors Raúl the Third, Aida Salazar, and Yamile Saied Méndez, hosted by the Library of Congress. This LOC blog post provides family discussion questions as well as writing and thinking prompts.
Audio Links
Here's an interview with Nutmeg Book Drops, a podcast produced with Connecticut school and public librarians. Digging for Words is a 2023 Nutmeg Book Award nominee.
Extension Activities
Digging Word Search
Click on the image for a print-and-go pdf. This is a fun extension activity for PreK through Grade 3, using both English and Spanish vocabulary from the book.
If you subscribe to TeachingBooks, make sure to check out their resource page for Digging for Words. Even if you're not a subscriber, you can check out resources to go along with Digging for Words on the TeachingBooks Virtual Book Tour.